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Current and Aspiring Project Managers, Scrum Masters, Agilists, Project Leads, Coordinators, Customer Service Reps, and anybody else that has bills...

Are You Layoff Proof?

In today's ever-changing job market, the notion of being completely layoff proof might seem like a myth. And the truth is, it is. No one is entirely immune to the shifts and shakes of corporate restructuring or economic downturns. But what if you could significantly tighten up your standing, making you not just a survivor but preferred talent in the eye of any storm? 

The question isn't whether you can become layoff proof – but how quickly you can rebound and stand out when the chips are down. Hello somebody…

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The Uncomfortable Truth

From those struggling to meet the baseline, to the high performers setting the benchmarks, everyone's layoff risk varies. Where do you stand?

  • For the STRUGGLERS and the STAGNANT – Your risk is real, and the need for a strategic pivot is immediate.
  • For the I'M ONLY DOING MY JOBBERS – Comfort is the enemy. The danger isn't immediate, but it's looming.
  • For the HIGH PERFORMERS – You're on solid ground, but in a world where change is the only constant, is there more you could be doing?

Your smile and great attitude is appreciated! But when budget cuts are happening, YOU NEED MORE!   

Favor IS FAIR when you're prepared...

I've survived 8 layoffs over the past 15 years of my project management career. YES I'm sure it was the favor of the Lord. I also know that there were certain habits and methods that I've applied that have positioned me as PREFERRED talent.

I want to share that with you!

Attend Workshop

YOUR Path to Becoming Preferred

Our workshop doesn't just outline the problem; it offers a roadmap to becoming part of that elite group who not only withstands the storm but thrives in it. We focus on:


where you stand and where you could be
Step 1


a plan that elevates your professional profile
Step 2


the mindset and habits of high performers
Step 3

You Really Need to Be Here

"I don't have the time."

FRIEND, can you afford NOT to make the time???

Make time!

"I'm already doing well."

BUT could you be doing better? 

Go higher!

"Will this make a difference?"

DON'T MISS your transformation opportunity!

It's time!